
15 November 2013

Software Backlink Gratis

3000 Backlink Gratis Dengan Software 

Saya akan membuat post tentang 3000 Backlink Gratis Dengan Software. Anda para blogger pasti tahu backlink, dan memburu backlink dengan cara usaha maupun instan. Bicara tentang instan, inilah yang cara yang akan saya berikan. Caranya mudah, tapi pakai Software. Gpp lah, usaha dikit kalo mau enak. Hehehe,lagi pula ukuran file softwarenya kecil kok. (Cuma 400

Langsung saja...ini dia softwarenya:

Cara pemakaian sudah ada di dalamnya. Anda baca saja file Word berjudul "Cara Pemakaian"

Create Bidvertiser Account - Step By step

How To Create Bidvertiser Account - Step By step

How do I create bidvertiser account ??? I would help you out how to create bidvertiser account for once, you still got some confusion, use the comment box for further clarification.

Ok let's go to the process of creating a bidvertiser account.

See I like visual things, so I will try my best to show you through visual method.
You will tell its dumb as the method is so simple but this is for those guys who ... Whatever click bidvertiser (click on this link) to create a new account.

There you will see a web publisher. Choose that one and click on "Join Now - Its Free". It will take you to a new page where you will fill up your new bidvertiser account.

You will get the same screenshot (picture) as above.
This bidvertiser form is very easy to fill up.

First write your "first name" and "last name" is the desired box.

Next write your "phone number" and valid "email address (it should be a valid one because you will need them later for verification purpose)".

Now choose a strong password because you don't want people to steal your money.

Now is the important part, there are two types of payment are done in the bidvertiser, you can either choose "paypal" ($10 minimum payout) or "check" ($50 minimum payout).

I have chosen paypal because it has $10 as minimum payout and faster payment plus the amount can be achieved within short periods.

Now choose your "country name" and "state name" from the list box.

Now its very important part, write down your complete address in the "Street Address" box because if you choose check as the payment method then the check will arrive in this address only.

So you now know how important it is. Also there is extra box "Zip Code" given for the Pin address.

Don't forget to fill this one too.
Now the account creation of the bidvertiser account is almost half finished. Now you will see that there is a button called "Get Activation Code".

Click on it. It will send an activation link or code number in your email address you have provided while filling up the form.

Open your email address and click the activation link or copy the activation code number and paste it in the desired form. In the form, you will see that there are 4 statements which you have to agree as

  1. I agree to Bidvertiser's Terms of Service
  2. I will not click on my own Bidvertiser ads
  3. I will not ask or encourage others to click on my Bidvertiser ads.
  4. I will not place the Bidvertiser ads on sites that include pornographic content.
Tick all the four box of the statement and click on continue button.

After clicking the continue button, you will be taken to your new bidvertiser account. So before going any further, you will again get a new form as given below (check out the screenshot or picture) to fill up.

So if you already have a blog where you want to show bidvertisers ad to make money online then we are ready for this form.

In the first box you will see a label Bidvertiser Title - Suppose you want to show bidvertiser ads on the sidebar then name it side page etc. You can name it anything according to your choice but it should be easy one so that you can track them later. I will cover this portion more in later post.

Next comes the URL of your website. So just submit URL of the blog in which you want to advertise bidvertiser.
Suppose I want to put bidvertiser ads in this blog Make Money Online From Bidvertiser then I will submit my URL 

Third comes the 3rd party ad server/URL forwarding (Optional) - See its already written optional so just ignore it.

Now choose English as a language in the fourth one.

Now comes the most important part of this form of creation of bidvertiser account. You have to choose the appropriate main category and sub category for your blog.

Suppose I want to submit this blog Make Money Online With Bidvertiser then this blog will surely come under the "Business" section in the main category. So I clicked the Business section. Now its time to choose the sub category. Hmmm..."Small Business Resource" will be the perfect one for the sub category.

That's it, done. Now click on the "Finish" button.

Now you know how to create bidvertiser account. I thought of putting some more stuffs for you but my fingers are tired of typing keys so I better hold on.

But wait, did you followed all the steps side by side with me or still wondering. You betta visit bidvertiser to create a new bidvertiser account.

In next post, I will tell you how to put bidvertiser code in your blog, so that you can serve ads in your blog in order to make money online from bidvertiser.

Join Now! Click on the Banner!

Macam Macam Virus Maker 2013

Dengan software-software ini kamu dapat membuat berbagai macam virus komputer dengan mudah dan instan. dampak kerusakkan nya pun lumayan.

Sebelum mendownload, kamu harus mematikan dulu anti virusmu biar ngak terhapus sewaktu mendownload...

Inilah softwere-software pembuat virus instan..

Nazi Virus Maker download disini

C++ Worm Generator download disini
Biohazard download disini

Bat Worm Generator download disini
Fast Firus Enginner download disini
Terabit Virus Maker download disini
Necro Virus Maker download disini

Byte Virus Generator download disini
DVG Virus Gen download disini
VB+ViMaker RC03 download disini

Cara Extract EXE (Aplikasi/Software)

Gimana sih cara meng-extract file yang berekstensi .exe ?

pertanyaan itu sering muncul waktu pertama kali aku dulu mulai belajar komputer.

apakah file .exe masih bisa di edit lagi seperti kita meng-edit file .doc, .mp3, ... ?

jawabannya adalah BISA!!

Sekarang semua itu sudah terjawab, dan beberapa diantaranya (list dibawah) pernah saya edit.

salah satu dari sekian banyak software untuk mengextract adalah universal extractor.

Universal Extractor adalah sebuah program yang dapat meng-ekstrak file dari segala jenis arsip, baik itu file zip yang sederhana, sebuah program instalasi, atau bahkan paket Windows Installer (.MSI).

Download UniExtract Installer (5.3 MB) Versi 1.6.1
jika ingin download dari versi Portable masuk sini
program ini dapat membaca file yang berextensi :

7-zip archive= .7z, .exe
ACE archive= .ace
ARC archive= .arc
ARJ archive= .arj, .exe
ASpack compressed file= .exe
BIN/CUE CD-ROM image=.bin, .cue
bzip2 archive=.bz2, .tbz2, .tar.bz2
CPIO compressed file=.cpio
Debian package=.deb
DiscJuggler CD-ROM image=.cdi
Encoded files=.b64, .uu, .uue, .xx, .xxe, .yenc, .ntx
Gentee package= .exe
gzip archive=.gz, .tgz, .tar.gz
IMG floppy disk image=.img
Inno Setup package= .exe
Installer VISE package= .exe
InstallShield Cabinet, .1, .lib
InstallShield package=.exe
ISO 9660 CD-ROM image=.iso
KGB archive=.kgb, .kge,
LZH compressed file= .lha
LZMA compressed file= .lzma
LZO compressed file= .lzo
LZW compressed file= .z, .tz, .tar.z
LZX compressed file= .lzx
MHTML file= .mht
Microsoft Cabinet, .exe, .imf
Microsoft Compiled Help file= .chm
Microsoft compressed file= .??_
Microsoft LIT e-book= .lit
Microsoft Windows Help file= .hlp
Nero CD-ROM images= .nrg
NSIS package=.odt, .odp, .odg, .ods
Oasis Document Format (ODF) document=.docx, .pptx, .xlsx
Office Open XML (OOXML) document=.dbx
Outlook Express mail archive=.pea
PEA archive=.rar, .001, .exe
RAR archive= .exe
Reflexive Arcade package= .exe
RoboForm package= .exe
RPM package=.rpm
SetupFactory package= .exe
SIS (SymbianOS) packages=.sis
StuffIt packages=.sit
TAR archive=.tar, .tbz2, .tgz, .tz, .tar.bz2, .tar.gz, .tar.z
UHARC archive=.uha
UPX compressed file= .exe, .dll
Windows Imaging Format
Windows Installer package=.msi
Windows Installer patch=.msp
Windows Update Standalone patch=.msu
Wise Installer package=.exe
ZIP, .jar, .xpi, .wz, .exe
Zoo archive=.zoo

di atas ini adalah beberapa yang saya kutip dari sumbernya.
Untuk keterangan lebih lengkap dan jelasnya silahkan kunjungi sumber tsb.