I am here with an easy to use application about creating your own keystore to sign APKs and align them.
- JDK - Download from www.java.com
- sign.jar - Download HERE - APK-Signer 1.8.3 by Hai Bison - working link as of 05/03/2016
Please note that you need to have JDK installed in system for jar files to work.
- Assuming that you have JDK installed, download sign.jar and extract in anywhere you can navigate easy.
- I have it in "C:/apktool"
- Open Command Prompt (click Start > type cmd in search box and press enter)
- Navigate to folder where you extracted jar file, in my case "c:\>cd apktool".
- Type, "java -jar sign.jar"
- The writing things ends here and you will see application opened in GUI - as follows
- Now, we will need to first create a keystore file,
- Click on "Save As" in Target Tab and name the file anything, i named it "signedOne"
- Click on Save Button
- Now We will need to fill the form a little,
- In Password, type any password you may remember
- in Alias, type any name, usually that should be similar to your UNSIGNED apk file name
- Give an Alias Password (for ease, keep it same as password above)
- In Name field, Type your first and last name,
- This is the minimum required in form, if you want to fill full form, thats upto you.
- Click on Button "Generate Keyfile"
- Wait until message appears, "Keyfile Generated Successfully". Press OK
Now its time to sign the APK. - Click on "Signer" Tab.
- First, Click on button "Load Keyfile"
- Browse for the same keystore file you created, in our case, if you kept the name same as mine, that will be "signedOne.keystore"
- Type the password you gave while creating the keystore file.
- You will see alias name appearing automatically below if password was correct.
- type the alias password you gave earlier.
- Click on "Load Target File" and browse for the APK file you want to sign. In my case "whatsapp.apk"
- Click on "Sign" button
- Wait until the dialog appears, "File Signed"
- You will see a new file whatsapp_SIGNED_UNALIGNED.apk in the same folder where whatsapp.apk was already present
Click on APK Alignment Tab
- Click on "Load APK file" button
- Browse for "whatsapp_SIGNED_UNALIGNED.apk
- Click on "Align" button
- Wait until the message appears "Alignment done, output file: "whatsapp_SIGNED_ALIGNED.apk"
- Optional - If you want to verify the alignment, click on "whatsapp_SIGNED_UNALIGNED" button - note that after the alignment, the button name remained same
- browse for "whatsapp_SIGNED_ALIGNED.apk
- Click on button verify
- it will give you a message, "Verification succesful"
If you get java,util exception error, you need to use JDK-6 or lower and give its path in JDK target adress bar
JDK-7 and plus have changed something for which APK signer doesnt sign APKs
Plz click Thanks buttong if it helped u
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