
10 September 2016

GUI - SignApk Jar File Tutorial to Sign and Align APKs

Hello guys,
I am here with an easy to use application about creating your own keystore to sign APKs and align them.

  • JDK - Download from
  • sign.jar - Download HERE - APK-Signer 1.8.3 by Hai Bison - working link as of 05/03/2016

Please note that you need to have JDK installed in system for jar files to work.

  1. Assuming that you have JDK installed, download sign.jar and extract in anywhere you can navigate easy.
  2. I have it in "C:/apktool"
  3. Open Command Prompt (click Start > type cmd in search box and press enter)
  4. Navigate to folder where you extracted jar file, in my case "c:\>cd apktool".
  5. Type, "java -jar sign.jar"
  6. The writing things ends here and you will see application opened in GUI - as follows

  1. Now, we will need to first create a keystore file,
  2. Click on "Save As" in Target Tab and name the file anything, i named it "signedOne"
  3. Click on Save Button
  4. Now We will need to fill the form a little,
  5. In Password, type any password you may remember
  6. in Alias, type any name, usually that should be similar to your UNSIGNED apk file name
  7. Give an Alias Password (for ease, keep it same as password above)
  8. In Name field, Type your first and last name,
  9. This is the minimum required in form, if you want to fill full form, thats upto you.
  10. Click on Button "Generate Keyfile"
  11. Wait until message appears, "Keyfile Generated Successfully". Press OK

Now its time to sign the APK. - Click on "Signer" Tab.

  1. First, Click on button "Load Keyfile"
  2. Browse for the same keystore file you created, in our case, if you kept the name same as mine, that will be "signedOne.keystore"
  3. Type the password you gave while creating the keystore file.
  4. You will see alias name appearing automatically below if password was correct.
  5. type the alias password you gave earlier.
  6. Click on "Load Target File" and browse for the APK file you want to sign. In my case "whatsapp.apk"
  7. Click on "Sign" button
  8. Wait until the dialog appears, "File Signed"
  9. You will see a new file whatsapp_SIGNED_UNALIGNED.apk in the same folder where whatsapp.apk was already present

Click on APK Alignment Tab
  1. Click on "Load APK file" button
  2. Browse for "whatsapp_SIGNED_UNALIGNED.apk
  3. Click on "Align" button
  4. Wait until the message appears "Alignment done, output file: "whatsapp_SIGNED_ALIGNED.apk"
  5. Optional - If you want to verify the alignment, click on "whatsapp_SIGNED_UNALIGNED" button - note that after the alignment, the button name remained same
  6. browse for "whatsapp_SIGNED_ALIGNED.apk
  7. Click on button verify
  8. it will give you a message, "Verification succesful"


If you get java,util exception error, you need to use JDK-6 or lower and give its path in JDK target adress bar
JDK-7 and plus have changed something for which APK signer doesnt sign APKs

Plz click Thanks buttong if it helped u

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